Gentic Disease Wiki

Genetic Disease Project[]

In this project you will be creating a wiki article describing a human genetic disorder. This article should provide both valuable information and be visually appealing.


The article must include the following information:

  • Name of the disorder
  • Symptoms
  • Detection (What are the current test available)
  • Treatment Options and Medications
  • Life Expectancy/Quality of Life
  • Pictures
  • How is this disorder inherited (Dominant, Recessive, Sex-Linked etc)
  • How common is the disorder in the human population

Please keep in mind that this is the minimum requirements for this project. The more effort that is shown the better your grade will be.


The due date for this project is Wed. June 9th. No late projects will be accepted.

This project will count as a test grade.

Disease Pages[]

Turners Syndrome[]

Angelman Syndrome[]

Cri du Chat[]

Cystic Fibrosis[]

Down Syndrome[]

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy[]

Kleinfelter's syndrome[]


Prader-Willi Syndrome[]

Sickle-Cell Anemia[]

Tay- Sachs[]

Marfan Syndrome[]


Huntingtons Disease[]
